REVIEW: CoverGirl Katy Kat Matte Lipsticks

Hi, I’m Vy and I am a crazy cat lady and a makeup addict.  Yup, that’s pretty much what my intro would be like if I was ever set to rehab, so put the two things together and you’ve got me hooked.DSC07794

I walked into Walgreens over the weekend to return a few things and next thing you know, I’m walking out with three lipsticks.  So are these actually any good?  Or did the marketing team just get me real good?  Read on to find out. Continue reading

LOVE: Our First Year of Adventures

Today is Mike and I’s one year anniversary so I thought it would be appropriate to take this time to reflect on our adventure and story so far.

Background:  Mike and I met a little over a year ago while working together and during a massive transitional period in my life.  I had just ended a nearly four year relationship and was about to go into my senior year of college.  I really wasn’t looking to date anyone, but when it’s the one you just can’t say no.  So long story short, we started dating and both just knew and so 29 days later, he proposed and I said yes.

So here is the highlight reel of our first year together.  So much has happened that can’t be captured in a blog post, but I hope you all enjoy traveling through this past year with me anyways. Continue reading

CURRENT FAVES: Makeup, Skincare, & Haircare 5.3.2016

Hello all!  It’s been a while, hasn’t it?  Life has been crazy hectic with work, travel, and wedding planning, but in the back of my mind almost every morning when I got ready was the thought of, “omg I really like this, I need to tell someone.”  So here I am, writing a favorites post.

I didn’t want to name it “April Favorites” or “Spring Favorites” because I’m not sure how often these posts will pop up.  Sometimes I like the same products for months and months and other times I find new ones after a few weeks so I thought current faves would be more appropriate.

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After writing this blog post, I realized it was way too long so I’ve decided to split it into two parts.  So to find out what makeup, skincare, and haircare I’ve been loving, read on below and to find out what I’ve been loving in terms of fashion, food, and life, click here (will add link when post is up).

Continue reading